About Us

“We may not be able to change the world,but we can make a difference; one person at a time.”

Bella Vita Solutions is a small company comprised of individuals who are passionate about the agency’s mission and philosophy and are committed to the individuals we serve. Many of us have family members with an Intellectual Disability, Mental Illness, Brain Injury, or other special needs, and we know that everyone deserves the high standard of care we give to our own family members. We are dedicated, passionate, energetic, and creative. We are constantly striving towards excellence and innovation in order to uniquely meet the needs of individuals and our communities. We are committed to helping people live happy, peaceful, and beautiful lives.

Our History


Bella Vita Solutions, LLC, was formed almost 24 years to the date that the founder first stepped through the doorway of a group home for persons with developmental and physical disabilities.  In 1989, Amy Renda answered an ad for Direct Support Staff at a group home in Wisconsin serving adults with developmental disabilities and was introduced to what would remain her passion for the rest of her life.

Since 1989, Amy has worked with hundreds of individuals in 3 states including children and adults with intellectual and physical disabilities, mental illness, and traumatic brain injury. Many of the relationships she has cultivated with individuals and families remain strong to this date and she has been a volunteer legal guardian for one individual who had no other supports or family relationships.  Amy’s compassion, love, and respect for individuals and her strong beliefs about how people should be treated and cared for led to the creation of Bella Vita Solutions.

At the heart of Amy’s beliefs and values is a strong conviction that all individuals deserve to be treated with grace, respect, friendship, and compassion, and that all people are capable of achieving their dreams and living a beautiful life when they have the right supports.

“A hand held in friendship shows that a journey does not have to be taken alone; that there is someone that cares enough to support people through the highs and lows that we all experience, and that no one on this earth lives “independently” of relationships to others or their community.” 

Amy’s experience has shown her that people do best when provided with safe, compassionate support, and help in “finding their happiness” in the setting of their choice whether that be in their own home/apartment, a family’s home, or a group home.  Amy’s purpose for creating Bella Vita Solutions was to improve the level of care, respect, and safety that people receive and to inspire others to demand higher standards of care.